
Showing posts from March 29, 2005

26. I Thank You Profoundly....

The nature of my memoirs and my earnest desire to avoid potential complications dictate that I retain my anonymity. This therefore disallows linkage to any other site, which could possibly lead technically to the unveiling of my personal identity. Although I would have wished to reciprocate the courtesy extended to me by some of the sites that have already linked to mine, I apologetically find myself powerless to do so, for the reasons mentioned above. However, I would like to thank profoundly the following sites: Ihath, Don’t shoot!.... I have another story to tell you : Elen was not only the first to include Ishtarria in her “link for thought” for nearly two months, she promoted it as well in Iraq blog count site . My sweet friend from come-getsome , for linking to Ishtarria and for all those sweet emails; Abdullah, you’ve always been a tremendous source of aid and encouragement. I wouldn’t by any chance forget Zeyad , the pride and joy of the Iraqi blogspheres for listing Ishta...